Mai Ide

Mai Ide

mai ide is a Japanese-American artist from Tokyo, now based in Portland, OR. Their multidisciplinary approach investigates their own cultural intersectionality and deep ambivalence of race and gender as an immigrant, mother, and woman.

As a non-native speaker of English, ide’s practice is expressing discomfort of being classified or perceived by society as an “other” or “forever foreigner” in the U.S. ide's use of salvaged fabric and Sashiko stitches conveys their simultaneous vulnerability, fragility, and ferocity under a constrained, violent, and volatile society. ide holds a BFA in ArtPractice from Portland State University (OR) as well as degrees in sewing, pattern making, and textile design in Japan, where she worked for twelve years as a material designer.

Their previous exhibitions and performances include the Tokyo MetropolitanMuseum, Museum of Kyoto in Japan, and Jordan Schnitzer Museum in Oregon. ide is acurrent MFA candidate in Visual Studies at Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland.

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